Saturday, March 6, 2010

the blanket dance

March is right about the time where we start getting some really nice days weather-wise here in Southern New England, but at night it slips back down to colder temperatures. Today, for instance, was 55 degrees and very sunny. Lucy would have been a well-cooked pony if I made her wear her blanket all day, so I went early this morning and took it off of her. I had to work a 12-hour shift at the ambulance today (blah!) but I am sure she spent a lovely day rolling in the mud and sunbathing, as any self-respecting young horse would do.

Tonight, though, it's only 32 degrees, and I know she'd be cold without the blanket, so it had to go back on. Luckily my barn owner is awesome and he was willing to put the blanket on when she came in, since I was at work until 9pm.

Since I am a rough boarder, and will normally be responsible for blanket changes, this zig-zagging of temperatures is going to mean having to go to the barn basically twice a day instead of once.

Still, I'm REALLY glad it's finally warming up a bit! (and now watch, because next week we'll probably get a snow storm).

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