Sunday, December 26, 2010


We are in the process of getting snowed in here in Rhode Island. I was wondering when this was going to happen. We've had some cold (for us) temperatures but I guess the conditions just haven't been right yet for snow to fall. Today it's another story; not only is it falling, but it's falling at 4" per hour! We're expecting about 24" in total.

I was lucky to get out to the barn to do the stall in one piece before the roads got too slippery, but my barn owner was kind enough to dump L's grain for me at 4pm because that's when things got really bad! My Volvo is pretty decent in the snow but I don't want to push my luck.

I hope to go for a ride tomorrow in the snow because I have the day off from work. In the mean time, here's a photo of Cairo thoroughly enjoying herself:

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